Faith Equals Works Inc. (F.E.W.) was founded by Portia Brister, who drew inspiration from the Holy Spirit of God. It is a non-profit charity incorporated in Pennsylvania with 501(c)3 status since 2022. Over the years, Portia has had numerous opportunities to assist people in Nigeria, Uganda, Guyana, and India through short-term mission trips.
F.E.W. began its Nigeria Mission Project as its sole international missions project in its first year. Later, in September 2023, the organization adopted the Uganda Mission Project, which has been ongoing for 16 years.
Because Faith Equals Works understands that while helping others, we must also assist communities in need at home. F.E.W. established the Compassion Closet program to address the needs of underprivileged school children.
The organization is grateful for the partnerships, donations, and volunteers that enable it to achieve its mission and purpose. F.E.W. hopes that many will embrace its vision and join in this labor of love to assist those in need.
We constantly seek new partners to collaborate with on projects and events. If your organization shares our values and mission, let's work together to make a positive impact.
Bring your Talents, Skills, and, above all, your HEART FOR PEOPLE.